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The 5 Most Bizarre Foods In The World

The 5 Most Bizarre Foods In The World

5. Critters.

Although Zimmern has had critters from all walks of life, he especially loves “ones in the rat and mole family.”
“In northern China, they take field rats, dust them off and sauté them in chiles,” he explains. “It’s done in villages away from mainstream bigger towns, but it’s still very popular.”

4. Palolo worms.

Palolo are coral worms that are pinkish-brownish and/or blueish-greenish. A delicacy for Samoans and other Southern Pacific Islanders, they swim up out of their reefs just a couple of times a year when atmospheric conditions are right.
“They’re usually served as a spread on bread,” Zimmern says. “I didn’t even know that stuff existed before.”

3. Blood dishes.

Zimmern recalls his most memorable bloody meal: “My time with the Maasai in Tanzania was pretty extraordinary. They start every morning by drinking a tribal power shake of fresh cow’s blood (that they bleed) with fermented milk. It’s sort of like their own yogurt. It’s sorta nutritious!”

2. Animal penises (particularly ox penis).

Zimmern has chowed down on almost 50 penises from various animals, but the most notable has been ox penis — particularly prepared in a Vietnamese pho-like dish in “spicy broth with noodles and vegetables with a lot of different meat, like kidney and spleen.”
If you have a yearning to make your own dick soup, check out this recipe from Lucky Peach.

1. Wok-tossed dung beetles.

“In Puthanathan I picked beetles out of water buffalo shit. That was a funny and strange food experience…but they were quite tasty!”


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